November 26, 2024 | Montreal

Vision Leadership: Exclusive Summit for Executive Teams

A day designed to catalyze excellence within your executive team. Vision Leadership offers a unique experience to propel your company to new heights. This event is aimed at leaders holding senior positions within a technology company, reporting directly to CEOs, and empowered to make major decisions.

During this exclusive day, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Participate in inspiring conferences led by experts on crucial topics for CXOs of technology companies, such as KPIs and their alignment across teams, AI, innovation, strategic alignment, and customer experience.
  • Exchange and share best practices with peers during interactive roundtable discussions.
  • Discover and draw inspiration from new ideas and approaches to address the challenges your company is facing.
  • Strengthen your network and build authentic relationships with other executives in the tech sector.


A Unique and Exclusive Gathering

The rapid evolution of the sector demands an unprecedented pace. Executives from finance, operations, revenue, marketing, and solution delivery domains will convene in a trusted environment conducive to sharing. Unique in Quebec, this exclusive gathering fosters authentic and actionable exchanges.





8:00 to 9:00 AM Welcome
9:00 to 9:40 AM Opening Keynote | Challenging the Technological Horizon: Perspectives and Strategies for Bold Leaders (40 min)

Valuable insights on overcoming current challenges, anticipating future developments, and adapting to rapid changes and market conditions.

9:40 to 10:10 AM Aligned KPIs: Your Secret Weapon for Enhanced Performance (30 min)

Tired of ineffective KPIs that hinder your growth? Transform them into real assets to propel your company. Learn how to align KPIs for each department and create a revolutionary dashboard that maximizes performance and facilitates strategic decision-making.

10:10 to 10:40 AM Roundtable Discussions (30 min)

Continue the conversation from previous sessions.

10:40 to 11:10 AM Coffee Break (20 min)
11:00 to 11:30 AM AI: Catalyst for Transformation and Risk Management (30 min)

Explore how artificial intelligence transforms business operations and impacts the entire organization. Learn through concrete examples the advantages of AI, associated risks, and strategies for successful and secure integration.

11:30 AM to 12:00 PM Customer Experience: Who Shapes the Company’s DNA? (30 min)

Explore how customer experience is shaped by multiple actors within the company, not just a single function. Discover why titles like “Customer Success Manager” may not resonate with clients and how to redefine your approach to embed customer experience into your organizational culture.

12:00 to 12:30 PM Roundtable Discussions (30 min)

Continue the conversation from previous sessions.

12:30 to 1:45 PM Networking Lunch (75 min)
1:45 to 2:15 PM Managerial Courage: Building High-Performing Teams towards BHAGs

How managerial courage can transform your teams and guide them towards ambitious goals (BHAGs). Address essential themes such as goal setting, communication, and alignment. Learn to work consistently together from top to bottom while depersonalizing challenges. This session aims to provide concrete solutions to overcome obstacles and create a culture of sustainable performance.

2:15 to 2:45 PM RevOps: Maximizing Revenues for Optimal Impact (30 min)

Dive into best practices for revenue optimization and discover how they can enhance your company’s overall performance. Through real cases, explore the benefits, implementation steps, and dos and don’ts to ensure the success of your RevOps strategy.

2:45 to 3:15 PM Roundtable Discussions (30 min)

Continue the conversation from previous sessions.

3:15 to 3:45 PM Coffee Break (30 min)
3:45 to 4:15 PM Turbocharged Innovation: Ensuring Everyone Keeps Pace (30 min)

Learn to synchronize the efforts of each team member and ensure everyone moves forward together while overcoming obstacles that can hinder creativity and implementation.

4:15 to 4:30 PM Closing Remarks: Summary and Perspectives (15 min)
4:30 to 6:00 PM Networking Cocktail


Event reserved for AQT members

  • Tech Member
  • Individual Ticket
  • $850
  • Affiliated Member **
  • Individual Ticket
  • $1,700

* Value of $850
** Professional service companies

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