With a directory of over 500 member companies, this search engine serves as a springboard for our techno-digital members and allows them to meet the business needs of companies in all sectors. Whether you are a software, mobile application, electronic product, or technology consulting company, your listing in the directory is automatic when you are an AQT member.
The search engine allows users to find technology and digital products and services quickly. In addition, users can refine their search by sector of activity, products and services offered, and administrative regions of Quebec. Visitors can also search using keywords.
As a Techno in Québec, you contribute to positioning our industry among the world leaders in several sectors of activity. In this same perspective, we have set up this showcase to encourage other sectors to seek complete solutions here in Quebec.
Take advantage of this virtual showcase to think big, reach new customers, and form new partnerships.
If you are a techno-digital company and want to increase your visibility, join the AQT community today.