Are you a tech CEO from Quebec? Become a member today!
Join one of the largest business networks for tech CEOs in North America
Becoming a member of AQT means surrounding yourself with inspiring and dedicated CEOs who grow together while contributing to the vibrancy of the tech industry. Are you ready to take the next step in your leadership journey?
Join us today!
Our members have found...
A strong and respected voice to represent your interests and shape public policies, creating tangible benefits for the industry
You’re just one click away from joining your network of tech CEOs
10 Reasons to Become an AQT Member
Also, discover our shared values and see if AQT is the right place for you.Yes, it’s a corporate membership.
Transform a minimal investment into a powerful growth lever.The benefits and services are available for your entire team.
👉 Discover the diversity and strength of our tech community!
Proud to be a member of the AQT because...
Participating in the AQT allows me to meet other players in the tech sector in Quebec, share our learnings, stay informed about the latest industry news, and build connections that extend beyond AQT meetings.
At the events, we have a lot of fun, network, and learn... But just as importantly, by getting involved, we ensure a strong association that lobbies effectively with our government and represents us collectively.

My experience with the AQT has been extremely enriching. The network allowed me to exchange ideas with peers and benefit from the experience of seasoned entrepreneurs. I found a space to validate my ideas and draw inspiration from those of others. More importantly, I built trusted relationships that are invaluable for both my professional and personal development.
Become a member today!
Join our network of tech CEOs and gain access to unique opportunities for growth, partnerships, and leadership for you and your executive team
De membre régulier à Membre émérite
Le programme Membre émérite de l'AQT vise à conserver un lien étroit avec des membres expérimenté·es et engagé·es qui n'occupent plus de façon permanente un poste stratégique au sein d'une entreprise techno, mais qui souhaitent toujours contribuer à la croissance de l'industrie techno-numérique québécoise. En plus de souligner l'apport de ces individus au rayonnement du secteur, le programme leur permet de demeurer en contact avec ses pairs ainsi qu'avec de nouveaux joueurs souhaitant bénéficier de leur experience et savoir-faire.