For the Executive Teams

Elevate Leadership and Impact of Executive Teams*

A day designed to catalyze excellence within your executive team. Inspired by the winning formula of Vision CEO, Vision Leadership offers a transformative experience to propel your business to new heights. Benefit from authentic exchanges and practical applications, fostering peer-to-peer sharing and delivering a direct impact on your company’s overall performance. In the face of a rapidly evolving industry that demands an unprecedented pace, Vision Leadership provides you with the keys to stay ahead.

* The executive team consists of high-level positions within their tech company, reporting directly to the president and holding the authority to make major decisions and delegate specific responsibilities to other employees.

What Vision Leadership has in store for you

  • Refine key skills on crucial topics such as KPIs and their alignment across teams, AI, and innovation;
  • Discover advanced strategies to enhance decision-making and strategic alignment;
  • Network with other industry leaders to benchmark and adopt best practices;
  • Expand your professional network by building authentic relationships with peers in the tech sector;
  • Strengthen internal synergy to optimize collaboration within your executive teams.


WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT Vision Leadership




8:00 to 9:00 AM Welcome
9:00 to 9:40 AM Opening Keynote | Challenging the Technological Horizon: Perspectives and Strategies for Bold Leaders (40 min)

Valuable insights on overcoming current challenges, anticipating future developments, and adapting to rapid changes and market conditions.

9:40 to 10:10 AM Aligned KPIs: Your Secret Weapon for Enhanced Performance (30 min)

Tired of ineffective KPIs that hinder your growth? Transform them into real assets to propel your company. Learn how to align KPIs for each department and create a revolutionary dashboard that maximizes performance and facilitates strategic decision-making.

10:10 to 10:40 AM Roundtable Discussions (30 min)

Continue the conversation from previous sessions.

10:40 to 11:10 AM Coffee Break (20 min)
11:00 to 11:30 AM AI: Catalyst for Transformation and Risk Management (30 min)

Explore how artificial intelligence transforms business operations and impacts the entire organization. Learn through concrete examples the advantages of AI, associated risks, and strategies for successful and secure integration.

11:30 AM to 12:00 PM Customer Experience: Who Shapes the Company’s DNA? (30 min)

Explore how customer experience is shaped by multiple actors within the company, not just a single function. Discover why titles like “Customer Success Manager” may not resonate with clients and how to redefine your approach to embed customer experience into your organizational culture.

12:00 to 12:30 PM Roundtable Discussions (30 min)

Continue the conversation from previous sessions.

12:30 to 1:45 PM Networking Lunch (75 min)
1:45 to 2:15 PM Managerial Courage: Building High-Performing Teams towards BHAGs

How managerial courage can transform your teams and guide them towards ambitious goals (BHAGs). Address essential themes such as goal setting, communication, and alignment. Learn to work consistently together from top to bottom while depersonalizing challenges. This session aims to provide concrete solutions to overcome obstacles and create a culture of sustainable performance.

2:15 to 2:45 PM RevOps: Maximizing Revenues for Optimal Impact (30 min)

Dive into best practices for revenue optimization and discover how they can enhance your company’s overall performance. Through real cases, explore the benefits, implementation steps, and dos and don’ts to ensure the success of your RevOps strategy.

2:45 to 3:15 PM Roundtable Discussions (30 min)

Continue the conversation from previous sessions.

3:15 to 3:45 PM Coffee Break (30 min)
3:45 to 4:15 PM Turbocharged Innovation: Ensuring Everyone Keeps Pace (30 min)

Learn to synchronize the efforts of each team member and ensure everyone moves forward together while overcoming obstacles that can hinder creativity and implementation.

4:15 to 4:30 PM Closing Remarks: Summary and Perspectives (15 min)
4:30 to 6:00 PM Networking Cocktail


Event reserved for AQT members

  • Tech Member
  • Individual Ticket
  • $850
  • Affiliated Member **
  • Individual Ticket
  • $1,700

* Value of $850
** Professional service companies

Frequently Asked Questions

The topics interest me! Who is this event for?

The chosen angle for addressing the topics is tailored for executive teams, specifically the “close-knit” circle of CEOs!

The ultimate event for CEOs remains CEO Vision, which will be held from April 8 to 10, 2025.

How should I choose the executive team members who should attend?

Those meeting these criteria will see real ROI:

  • Participates in the company’s strategic decisions
  • Seeks to enhance inter-departmental team alignment
  • Benefits from expanding their network and meeting others with similar responsibilities
  • Has the ability to propose and implement improvements upon return!

Is this a training day?

Not in the usual sense! It’s a highly dynamic day. Presentations are based on real-world cases dedicated to the tech sector and will be followed by equally dynamic discussions. You’ll leave with a wealth of practical knowledge.

How many people are expected?

We aim for 200 participants for this inaugural edition. That’s why AQT offers a second free pass to Passport holders. We believe this offer will further increase your ROI.

Why send more than one participant?

Each participant will return with new contacts and actionable ideas for your company. We encourage attendees to engage at different tables to maximize the quality of exchanges and learning.

Do you have an offer for growing tech companies?

Contact us to learn how to become a partner.