Vision Leadership 2024

Vision Leadership 2024

An exclusive summit for executive teams

A day designed to catalyze excellence within your executive team. Vision Leadership offers a unique experience to propel your business to new heights. This event is aimed at leaders in high-level positions in a technology company, reporting directly to CEOs, and having the authority to make major decisions.

Montreal (to be announced)

  • Techno member = $850 + taxes (individual ticket)
  • Companies holding an AQT passport = Included (value of $850)
    • 2nd optional ticket = Freely offered
    • Additional tickets = $750 + taxes / each
  • Affiliate member = $1,700 + taxes (individual ticket)

Leaders in high-level positions in a technology company, reporting directly to the CEOs.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Montreal (to be announced)

Member See "Rates" section
Non-member Event reserved for AQT members
